
5044 Klor SuperSticks (+ADR)

5044 Klor SuperSticks (+ADR)
Product Code: 5044
Availability: In Stock

NOTE: Requires ADR surcharge. See related products.

Slow-soluble chlorine sticks, without stabilizer and with extra high chlorine content, that makes it easy to add the right amount of chlorine to the pool. Chlorine SuperSticks consists of 300g of unstabilized chlorine, which is pressed into a tablet. Each tablet is provided with a dosing sleeve which ensures a smooth and slow supply of chlorine to the pool water. The dosing sleeve must therefore not be removed before use.

Activ Pool ApS
Ledreborg Allé 128C
DK-4000 Roskilde
Tel. +45 70 22 68 56

CVR-nr. DK30530136



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