1917 PVC glue 250 ml

1917 PVC glue 250 ml
Product Code: 1917
Availability: In Stock

For the joining of PVC pipes and fittings in water systems. Suitable for higher temperatures (> 35°C). Suitable for diameters of ≤ 800 mm. Max. 16 bar (PN 16). Maximum tolerance 0.8 mm diametric clearance / 0.2 mm snap fit. Suitable for pipe systems in accordance with EN1329, 1452, 1453, 1455, and ISO15493 (PVC).


EAN: 5704841019171

Activ Pool ApS
Ledreborg Allé 128C
DK-4000 Roskilde
Tel. +45 70 22 68 56

CVR-nr. DK30530136



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